
How to chill when things get Cra-Cra

by James Hills, for Club LT

Looking good and feeling refreshed is something that every man should enjoy. Unfortunately, the reality of my life is that I’m constantly on the go. Work, hanging out with the guys, and of course family commitments make it so I can’t always take care of myself the way I’d like. One pleasure that I do enjoy though is a quick face wash. This is one of the most refreshing ways to recharge and reset your mind from what you’ve done to what you’re going to do. Here are some other quick things I do for a quick refresh before going out on the town.

While a nice hot shower and full body scrub is always a pleasure, that’s not always possible due to time. Even when a shower isn’t a possibility, a face wash helps me feel refreshed. While a splash of water is good, adding Lucky Tiger Face Wash to the mix takes things to a whole new level.

A Good Face Wash

A perfect example of this was last week in Detroit when I came to town for a launch event promoting the new Ford Explorer. My flight arrived at 4:45 and the event began at 6:00 pm so there was no time for anything more than dropping my bags off in the room. However, along with washing the airplane funk from my hands and arms, I took a moment to use Lucky Tiger Face Wash.

By upping my game from a simple splash of water, my skin felt more refreshed in just a couple moments. Considering the harsh winter weather in Detroit right now and how dry air can be while flying it is important to protect my skin from drying out. Lucky Tiger Face Wash does a great job of this with aloe vera to help replenish vitamins and nutrients as well as smooths and hydrate, jojoba to nourish the skin while removing dead skin, and borage oil that helps your skin stay hydrated and healthy.  

Plus, there’s cucumber that provides a nice cool and refreshing sensation that is also a powerful antioxidant  promoting skin-cell growth and repair.

With a quick splash, rub, and rinse I was able to not just reset mentally but physically as well.

With just moments to spare, I made it down to the car to take me to the event. Here are other tips to make the transition from the day to a night out.



In the car I had a few moments to close my eyes and breath slowly. This helps reduce heart rate, clear your mind and gives you a chance to prepare for the next adventure.



No, I’m not talking about stretching like you might do at the gym but it’s good to stretch your arms, legs, back and neck before going out. This helps loosen them up but also helps reduce chemicals that might have built up during the day that lead to stress.

With lowered stress comes better personality and an improved mood so you look and perform your best in social situations.


Drink a Big Glass of Water Before Alcohol

This one is easy but is so often forgotten. When I got to the event, there was an open bar and my colleagues were already several drinks ahead of me. However, I always choose a big glass of water first.

Not only does this help set the baseline for digestion but without staying hydrated inside, your skin doesn’t have a chance to stay hydrated on the outside too. Drinking water helps you feel good but is also essential for looking good too!


About James Hills
James writes the ManTripping blog and lives in southern California. For more than a decade, ManTripping has been a leading male lifestyle blog covering food, fashion, travel, toys, action and adventure – you know, man-things. James shares his wisdom regularly on Club LT and is often featured in the Club LT podcast.

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